
The objectives of this chapter are the following:

1. To describe the functions of the respiratory tract and distinguish between conducting and respiratory zones.
2. To have an understanding on the mechanics involved during normal breathing
3. Understand the terms compliance and elasticity in relationship to work done during ventilation
4. Understanding surface tension and its influence on lung function
5. Define various lung volumes and capacities.
6. Understand the concept of partial pressures.
7. Describe and understand gas diffusion across a membrane.
8. To understand the concepts of ventilation/perfusion ratios and there significance in gaseous exchange.
9. Describe the different hemoglobins and their developmental control.
10. Describe oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in blood. The role of hemoglobin in the transport of these gases.
11. Explain how oxygen transport is influenced by changes in pH, temperature and 2,3-DPG.
12. Understand the role of the respiratory system in acid/base balance. The role of carbon dioxide, hypoventilation and hyperventilation, in the control of Acid/base balance
13. To understand the roles of the medulla oblongata, pons and cerebral cortex in the regulation of breathing, the role of CO2 and pH as the primary stimuli in the control of breathing.